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Assets in 2015 Petrus Christmas Collection

2015 Petrus Christmas Collection

The Top Rated Petrus Vintage of the Last 15 Years

$29,000Collection Value
500Total Shares
6Total Bottles
2024-2027Estimated Sale
$58Share Price

Invest with as little as 1 share

Collection Table

Key Highlights

Highest Scoring Petrus in Last 15 years

2015 Petrus scored an average of 98.1 points among all critics and was awarded three 100-point scores from Robert Parker’s Wine Advocate, Wine Enthusiast, and James Suckling.

Excellent Value to Critic Score Ratio

In addition to being scored better than the other three 98-point wines from the past 15 years, 2015’s current average market price is 20% lower than the average price of the 2009, 2010, and 2018 vintages.

Petrus: #7 Wine Brand in the World

The Liv-Ex 2021 Power 100 Ranking, which ranks the wine brands by volume and value traded, has listed Petrus at #7. Petrus ranks 3rd globally in total value traded and 4th by average value per trade at over $38,000.

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Collection Description

Petrus has skyrocketed from relative obscurity in the first half of the 20th century to being considered one of the iconic wines of the world. Acclaimed British Wine Critic Jancis Robinson confirmed the current global status of Petrus, describing it as “the most famous wine of Pomerol and today the most expensive in Bordeaux” in her famous Oxford Companion to Wine. Grown in a miniature 28-acre vineyard known for unique clay soils, only 2,500 cases of Petrus are produced each vintage. This limited production and superbly high quality have led Petrus to be one of the most in-demand wines of the 2000s. Petrus outperformed the Liv-Ex Bordeaux 500 Index for the first two decades of the new millennium and continues to grow in notoriety. The 2015 Petrus is a special vintage with three 100-point scores and an average 98.1-point score from all critics, ranking as the #1 Petrus vintage by score over the past 15 years. In addition to the amazing scores, the 2015 vintage seems under-valued as it is currently being sold at a 10% discount to the average price of other Petrus wines with 98-point scores from the past 15 years.